
Preventing Family Violence:A Multidisciplinary Approach

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  • Preventing Family Violence:A Multidisciplinary Approach

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      Family violence, including intimate partner violence, elder abuse and child maltreatment, is a serious and deteriorating social problem. It may cause irreparable damage to the victim's physical and mental health, as well as social functioning, welfare, and legal status. Previous efforts to formulate preventive measures under different disciplines are often ineffective. This book is among the first attempts to integrate perspectives from different inter-related disciplines into the development of preventive strategies for family violence. Experts from health, legal, social work, sociology, and psychology have contributed to the multidisciplinary approach based on their professional discretion.

      Adopting illustrative examples in Hong Kong, the contributors focus on violence prevention by including up-to-date information on related research, policy and services. The book is therefore a useful guide for professionals and students from different disciplines in their quest to promote stable families and a safe society.


    Ko-Ling Chan

      Ko-Ling Chan is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong. His specialty being family violence, he has conducted high-impact, socially relevant research on areas including intimate partner violence; narrative accounts by male batterers; pregnancy and violence; and child abuse, neglect and other forms of victimization.


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